
01. Dance Me to the End of Love
02. Don’t Wait Too Long
03. Don’t Cry Baby
04. You’re Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go
05. Between the Bars
06. No More
07. Lonesome Road
08. J’Ai Deux Amours
09. Weary Blues
10. I’ll Look Around
11. Careless Love
12. This Is Heaven to Me 

在一個偶然下我聽到了Madeleine Peyroux 的歌, 她的歌聲像極了比莉哈樂黛(Billie Holiday)甚至被時代雜誌推為比莉的接班人
不過在這之前我並未接觸所謂爵士樂, 更不用說是聽過Billie Holiday 的歌
所以Madeleine Peyroux 算是我首次接觸的爵士樂歌手 (雖然她本人是不怎麼想被定位為爵士歌手就是了)
這張專輯是在與第一張<<Dreamland>>相隔8年之後推出的第二張作品<<Careless Love>>

第2首Don’t Wait Too Long  由替Norah Jones寫出著名的Don't Know Why 一曲的Jesse Harris和Peyroux 以及Larry Klein 合寫
曲風輕快詼諧, 另外在歌詞押韻方面也很工整, 叫人好好把握時機不要一拖再拖
" If you think that time will change your ways
Don't wait too long "

第4首 You’re Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go 是Bob Dylan 的作品

第10首 I’ll Look Around 則是勇氣可嘉的Peyroux 刻意挑選了前輩 Billie Holiday 的作品翻唱
雖然她的歌聲總是被拿來和Billie Holiday 比較, 但這首她成功的詮釋出不同的味道
前奏的鋼琴聲美的彷彿要讓人溶化般的無法自拔, Peyroux 淡淡的唱著醉人的旋律
奇妙的是我想找原唱的版本居然找不到, 這樣一來無從比較就是了

在夜幕低垂時    當黑暗的寂靜啃食著一切時
我聽著Madeleine Peyroux  聽著她溫柔的歌聲 包住今天所有的尖銳與不愉快
聽著鋼琴聲    只是鋼琴的一個音就讓我感動到不行

下面是翻唱自billie holiday 的作品 I'll Look Around 的歌詞

I'll Look Around 

I'll look around
Until I've found someone
Who laughs like you

I know somewhere
Spring must fill the air
With sweetness just as rare
As the flower
That you gave me to wear

I look around
And when I've found someone
Who laughs like you
I'll know this love
I'm dreaming of
Won't be the old love
I always knew

I know somewhere
Love must fill the air
With sweetness just as rare
As the flower
That you gave me to wear

I look around
And when I've found someone
Who laughs like you
I'll know this love
I'm dreaming of
Won't be the old love
I always knew


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